Key Protein for Plant-Fungal Symbiosis Discovered

Key Protein for Plant-Fungal Symbiosis Discovered

Harrison Lab has discovered that plants use EXO70I to form a membrane around the fungus in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses, beneficial associations where plants receive phosphate from fungi in exchange for carbohydrates.

Chemicals from Parasitic Worms Boost Plant Immunity

Chemicals from Parasitic Worms Boost Plant Immunity

When plants detect pheromones given off by nematode worms, they activate their immune system for protection. The chemical warning not only triggers defenses against nematodes, but also against bacterial, fungal and viral infection.

Plant Experts Discuss New Seeds and Old Seed Catalogs

Plant Experts Discuss New Seeds and Old Seed Catalogs

Professor James Giovannoni, “There’s a great deal of diversity that’s still available from these varieties that potentially have a lot of useful traits, including tolerance to stresses and important fruit traits.”

Of Spray Paint and Plant Stress

Of Spray Paint and Plant Stress

Klaus Apel’s work is a step in understanding how plants respond to stress…singlet oxygen doesn’t deserve its bad reputation for wrecking cells and killing the plant.

All’s Fair in Love and War (on Insects)

All’s Fair in Love and War (on Insects)

Patricia Pinheiro was drawn to the study of insects like a moth to flame. As a grad student in the Cornell Entomology Department and Assistant Professor Michelle Cilia’s lab, Pinheiro studies insects that feed on plants and transmit pathogens.

Lukas Mueller: Ace of Bases

Lukas Mueller: Ace of Bases

The Yambase database will allow users to access the yam genome browser hosted by the Iwate Biotechnology Research Center in Japan and will house information about desirable yam characteristics and tools for breeders.

New equipment opens up ‘mass’ive possibilities

New equipment opens up ‘mass’ive possibilities

The Boyce Thompson Institute starts off 2015 with a generous gift from the Triad Foundation and researchers are about to open their most exciting present: a high-resolution mass spectrometer. The instrument, which can determine the chemical formula – and possibly even...
Mexican Professors Revisit BTI’s Harrison Lab

Mexican Professors Revisit BTI’s Harrison Lab

Visiting scholars Dr. Ignacio Maldonado-Mendoza and Dr. Melina Lopez-Meyer from The National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) in Guasave, Sinaloa in Mexico have chosen to spend their one-year sabbatical at BTI.

Precision Gene Editing

Precision Gene Editing

BTI Scientist Successfully Applied Precision Genome Editing in Tomato. In the new system, called CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, targeted changes are made in the desired region of the genome.

BTI Professors Present to Bill Gates

BTI Professors Present to Bill Gates

BTI professors David Stern, Zhangjun Fei, and Lukas Mueller were able to brief Bill Gates and his team on their Gates funded projects and issues of biotechnology and plant science while he was at Cornell on October 1, 2014.

New Bioinformatics Alliance between CGIAR and BTI

New Bioinformatics Alliance between CGIAR and BTI

Graham Thiele, RTB Program Director at CGIAR Research Program on roots, tubers, and bananas recently met with Boyce Thompson Institute’s Lukas Mueller to plan expansion of bioinformatics platforms and databases.

Genomics Study of 360 Tomato Varieties Traces History, Points to Possible Improvements

$4.7 Million to SIPS and BTI for More Tomato Research

Jocelyn Rose, professor of plant biology and director of Cornell’s Institute of Biotechnology, with BTI co-PI’s Carmen Catala, Zhangjun Fei, James Giovannoni, and Lukas Mueller will research ripening mechanisms & drought tolerance.

Wild Tomato Sequenced

Wild Tomato Sequenced

Fei and Giovannoni Labs contribute to sequencing of wild tomato species Solanum pennellii.

BTI Researcher on a Mission to Save Citrus

BTI Researcher on a Mission to Save Citrus

The entire California citrus industry is counting on Cornell vector biologist Michelle Cilia to quickly come up with a solution to stop the spread of a deadly disease that could decimate domestic citrus production.

Scientists Unravel Root Cause of Plant Twists and Turns

DELLAs Bolster Symbiosis in Green Revolution Crops

(From Cornell Chronicle) Boyce Thompson Institute and Cornell researchers have identified a plant protein called DELLA that may lead to reducing phosphorus-fertilizer applications on farms and better plant growth in poor soil.

Gene to Bean to Global Scene

Gene to Bean to Global Scene

BTI invited public to learn more about BTI’s role in recent sequencing of coffee genome, plus presentations by other Cornell researchers from diverse fields who study coffee.

New Study Provides Key Insights into Aspirin’s Disease-Fighting Abilities

Powerful Screening Exposes the Roles of Salicylic Acid

By identifying the proteins which bind the plant hormone salicylic acid and potentially mediate its myriad physiological effects, Dr Daniel Klessig is unravelling the complex roles these hormones play in abiotic and biotic plant stresses.

Researchers Discover Link between Tomato Ripening, Color, and Taste

Researchers Discover Link between Tomato Ripening, Color, and Taste

According to an old country song, the only two things money can’t buy are true love and homegrown tomatoes. How true – those perfect, red tomatoes from the store just can’t match ones plucked from the garden. Now, researchers have identified the gene that controls the...
Draft Genome Sequence for Nicotiana benthamiana Released in 2012

Draft Genome Sequence for Nicotiana benthamiana Released in 2012

Scientists at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) released a draft sequence of the Nicotiana benthamiana genome which is accessible through the SGN BLAST tool and can be downloaded from an ftp site (see: The project was...