Common Contacts

General information:

Accounts Payable

Office of Donor Relations
Paula Arzac Gaubeca – Donor Relations Assistant

Communications / Media Relations

Education and Outreach
Delanie Sickler
Education & Outreach Director 

Office for Finance, Facilities, and Operations
Alicia Conover
Operations Manager

Human Resources

Office of the President
Meredith Williams
Executive Assistant

Research, Business Development, Translational Science
Paul Debbie
Director of Research Development

Sponsored Research Administration
Elizabeth Hudson

Translational Program
Julien Fey
Director of Translational Program

Full Directory

Headshot of Kevin Ahern
Graduate Student
Headshot of Betsy Ampofo
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Warren Ang headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Paula Arzac Aubeca headshot
Communications and Development Coordinator
Communications and Development Coordinator
Kelly Aylesworth Headshot
Finance Supervisor
Finance Supervisor
Khadija Batool headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Kevin Baudry
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Julie Bell headshot
Greenhouse Manager
Greenhouse Manager
Headshot of Gary Blissard
Emily Boell headshot
Sr. Grants Manager
Sr. Grants Manager
Jessica Brewer headshot
Research Assistant
Emily Brewer headshot
Research Assistant
Headshot of Aaron Callahan
Director of IT & Communications
Director of IT & Communications
Mike Carroll Headshot
Communications Manager
Communications Manager
Headshot of Doug Carruthers
Stockroom Supervisor
Stockroom Supervisor
Yao Chen headshot
Translational Researcher
Translational Researcher
Alicia Conover
Operations Manager
Operations Manager
Christiano Costa Simoes
Senior Research Associate
Senior Research Associate
Lena Cuevas headshot
Graduate Student
Savanah Dale
Rotational Student
Rotational Student
Headshot of Paul Debbie
Director of Research Development
Director of Research Development
Trent Donaldson headshot
Undergraduate Student
Chen Dong headshot
Bioinformatics Analyst
Bioinformatics Analyst
Megan Dornblaser pic
Olivia Duncan Headshot
Graduate Student
Evelyn Elkington headshot
Postbac Fellow
Postbac Fellow
Leah Erdmann
Graduate Student
Kathryn Eshenour
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
BTI Full Professor Zhangjun Fei
Headshot of Leila Feiz
Research Associate
Research Associate
Julien Fey Headshot
Director of Translational Program
Director of Translational Program
Headshot of Thomas Fisher York
Bioinformatics Analyst
Bioinformatics Analyst
Headshot of Bennett Fox
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Sarah Gartner headshot
Research Assistant
Jim Giovannoni
Adjunct Professor, USDA Scientist
Adjunct Professor, USDA Scientist
Chiara Giraldo headshot
Undergraduate Student
Laura Gonzalez Garcia headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Goncalo Gouveia
Research Associate
Headshot of Bob Granados
Professor Emeritus/Charles E. Palm Scientist
Professor Emeritus/Charles E. Palm Scientist
Zhen Guo
Visiting Scholar
Visiting Scholar
Headshot of Maria Harrison
Riley Henderson Headshot
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Anna Hermanns
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Ryan Hildreth
Director of Finance
Director of Finance
Headshot of Jeff Hodgson
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Headshot of Amber Hotto
Senior Research Associate
Senior Research Associate
Yu-Heng Hsieh Headshot
Graduate Student
Elizabeth Hudson Headshot
Director of Research Administration
Director of Research Administration
Maryam Rahmati Ishka
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Isabelle Jacqmotte Parks headshot
Translational Research Assistant
Translational Research Assistant
Headshot of Georg Jander
Qingzhen Jiang headshot
Facility Manager of Center for Plant Biotechnology Research (CPBR)
Facility Manager of Center for Plant Biotechnology Research (CPBR)
Jason Jordan headshot
IT Specialist
IT Specialist
Magdalena Julkowska
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Alyssa Kearly Headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Hillary King Headshot
Grants Manager
Grants Manager
Dan Klessig headshot
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Headshot of Bob Kohut
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Undergraduate Student
Ritesh Kumar
Research Associate
Research Associate
Ting-yu Kuo
Research Assistant
Exterior of BTI greenhouses at sunset
Greenhouse Worker
Greenhouse Worker
Declan Lafferty headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Headshot of Fay-Wei Li
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Gwen Lindberg headshot
Undergraduate Student
Helena Lindner headshot
Undergraduate Student
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Emma Lobdell headshot
HR Administrative Assistant
HR Administrative Assistant
Amber Lockrow Headshot
Bioinformatics Analyst
Bioinformatics Analyst
Accounts Payable Coordinator
Accounts Payable Coordinator
Aimee Malzahn headshot
PlantGene Coordinator
PlantGene Coordinator
BMCB Student
BMCB Student
Deyvid Marques headshot
Visiting Scholars
Headshot of Greg Martin
Boyce Schulze Downey Professor
Boyce Schulze Downey Professor
Benjamin Maza Headshot
Bioinformatics Analyst
Bioinformatics Analyst
Tara Mccrudden
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Tim McCullough headshot
Greenhouse and Growth Facility Assistant
Greenhouse and Growth Facility Assistant
Headshot of Naama Menda
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Sophie Mertha headshot
Undergraduate Student
Emily Miller headshot
Lab Technician
Lab Technician
Headshot of Kelli Monce
Senior Administrator of Translational Program
Senior Administrator of Translational Program
Headshot of Lukas Mueller
Samantha Nash headshot
Sr. HR Generalist
Sr. HR Generalist
Andrew Nelson Headshot
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Anna Nelson-Dittrich is sitting on top of a rocky ledge of a mountain. The ledge is made of orange rock. We see her from above, with the ground and trees below her in the background. She is smiling, wearing mountain climbing gear and a helmet, with a pile of green rope beside her.
Lab Manager
Lab Manager
Payton Netherland headshot
Lab Technician
Lab Technician
Azam Noori headshot
Visiting Scholars
Alison Norton headshot
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Facilities Maintenance Technician
Facilities Maintenance Technician
Kyle Palos Headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Headshot of Miguel Pineros
USDA Scientist/BTI Adjunct Faculty
USDA Scientist/BTI Adjunct Faculty
Ryan Preble headshot
Bioinformatics Analyst
Bioinformatics Analyst
Undergraduate Student
Closeup photo of Caylyn Railey in the BTI auditorium. She is wearing a gray shirt and standing in front of some large ferns.
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Silvia Restrepo headshot
Phil Ricci headshot
Greenhouse Assistant
Greenhouse Assistant
Eric Richards headshot
Yana Rizzieri Headshot
Graduate Student
Headshot of Surya Sahafor
Senior Bioinformatics Analyst
Senior Bioinformatics Analyst
Postdoctoral Scientist
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Delanie Sickler Headshot
Education & Outreach Director
Education & Outreach Director
Undergraduate Student
Matthew Smith headshot
Lab Services Intern
Lab Services Intern
Headshot of Mamta Srivastava
Plant Cell Imaging Center Manager
Plant Cell Imaging Center Manager
David Stern standing at his farm
Kerry Swartwood headshot
Lab Coordinator
Lab Coordinator
Titima Tantikanjana Headshot
Senior Research Associate
Senior Research Associate
Research Associate
Research Associate
Julie Thakur headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Trevor Tivey headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Elise Tomaszewski
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Megan Truesdail headshot
Education and Outreach Coordinator
Education and Outreach Coordinator
Ali Turk headshot
Graduate Student
Jorden Headshot
Lab Services Assistant
Lab Services Assistant
Joyce Van Eck Headshot
Headshot of Julia Vrebalov
Research Associate
Research Associate
Junjie Wang headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Ziqing Wei headshot
Rotational Student
Rotational Student
Renhui Wei headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Meredith Williams
Executive Assistant, Assistant Secretary
Executive Assistant, Assistant Secretary
Headshot of Alan Wood
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Fan Xia
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Headshot of Yimin Xu
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Lab Manager
Lab Manager
Mohammad Yazdani headshot
Translational Research Scientist
Translational Research Scientist
Liang YU Headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Jing Zhang
Bioinformatics Technician
Bioinformatics Technician
Xiaodan Zhang headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Jiantao Zhao Headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Postdoctoral Scientist
Xuebo Zhao headshot
Postdoctoral Scientist
Zhe Zhou
Visiting Scholars

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