Wild Tomato Sequenced

Wild Tomato Sequenced

Fei and Giovannoni Labs contribute to sequencing of wild tomato species Solanum pennellii.

ART@BTI: milly acharya

ART@BTI: milly acharya

Public invited to view 40 original watercolors and prints by botanical illustrator milly acharya , at BTI, 533 Tower Road, 8-5 weekdays, through July 23.

Joshua Judkins, BTI and Beyond

Joshua Judkins, BTI and Beyond

Joshua Judkins arrived at BTI as an intern in 2008 and left as a PhD in 2014…for a post doc position with Pfizer in neuroscience.

BTI Researcher on a Mission to Save Citrus

BTI Researcher on a Mission to Save Citrus

The entire California citrus industry is counting on Cornell vector biologist Michelle Cilia to quickly come up with a solution to stop the spread of a deadly disease that could decimate domestic citrus production.

DELLAs Bolster Symbiosis in Green Revolution Crops

DELLAs Bolster Symbiosis in Green Revolution Crops

(From Cornell Chronicle) Boyce Thompson Institute and Cornell researchers have identified a plant protein called DELLA that may lead to reducing phosphorus-fertilizer applications on farms and better plant growth in poor soil.

Gene to Bean to Global Scene

Gene to Bean to Global Scene

BTI invited public to learn more about BTI’s role in recent sequencing of coffee genome, plus presentations by other Cornell researchers from diverse fields who study coffee.

BTI Intern Presents at SACNAS

BTI Intern Presents at SACNAS

The 2012 SACNAS National Conference “Science, Technology, and Diversity for a Healthy World” will take place in Seattle, Washington and BTI educators and interns will be in attendance.

Powerful Screening Exposes the Roles of Salicylic Acid

Powerful Screening Exposes the Roles of Salicylic Acid

By identifying the proteins which bind the plant hormone salicylic acid and potentially mediate its myriad physiological effects, Dr Daniel Klessig is unravelling the complex roles these hormones play in abiotic and biotic plant stresses.

Researchers Discover Link between Tomato Ripening, Color, and Taste

Researchers Discover Link between Tomato Ripening, Color, and Taste

According to an old country song, the only two things money can’t buy are true love and homegrown tomatoes. How true – those perfect, red tomatoes from the store just can’t match ones plucked from the garden. Now, researchers have identified the gene that controls the...
Draft Genome Sequence for Nicotiana benthamiana Released in 2012

Draft Genome Sequence for Nicotiana benthamiana Released in 2012

Scientists at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) released a draft sequence of the Nicotiana benthamiana genome which is accessible through the SGN BLAST tool and can be downloaded from an ftp site (see: http://solgenomics.net/). The project was...
Worms Communicate Using a Complex Chemical Language

Worms Communicate Using a Complex Chemical Language

Scientists have discovered that a species of small, transparent roundworms called Caenorhabditis elegans possess a highly-evolved language in which they combine chemical fragments to create precise molecular messages.

Sugar Could Be a Sweet Way to Control Insect Pests

Georg Jander Featured in The Plant Cell

Dr. Jander’s work identifies the nonprotein amino acid N?-acetylornithine and an acetyltransferase that synthesizes it in Arabidopsis thaliana, thus revealing a new methyl jasmonate-inducible defense response.