
BTI Intern Presents at SACNAS

by | Oct 22, 2012

SACNAS 2012The 2012 SACNAS National Conference “Science, Technology, and Diversity for a Healthy World” will take place in Seattle, Washington and BTI educators and interns will be in attendance. Elena Cravens, a 2012 Plant Genome Research Program intern and winner of this summers’ Best Scientific Presentation award will present her research “Functional dissection of the VIM1 protein and its role in cytosine methylation in Arabidopsis.” When asked about her BTI internship experience Elena said “I know the skills and knowledge I gained over the summer will help me in future endeavors. The program exposed me to many different aspects of plant research separate from my project and gave me an accurate picture of what plant biology research entails.” SACNAS awarded Elena a travel scholarship based on her 10 week research experience alongside BTI’s graduate student Molly Shook and Dr. Eric Richards. BTI’s Education Director Tiffany Fleming will join over 3,500 attendees for four days of scientific research presentations, professional development, networking, exhibits, culture, and community.

SACNAS is devoted to advancing Hispanics, Chicanos and Native Americans in Science. The annual national conference is one of the largest annual gatherings of minority scientists in the country. It is interdisciplinary, inclusive, and interactive and motivates and inspires the next generation of scientists.

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