PCIC Manuals
Leica SP5 Confocal Microscope
The updated confocal manual version is available here: SP5_manual.
This manual is for the use of trained people only. If you have never used our confocal, you must contact PCIC to schedule a training.
Olympus Stereomicroscope
More information is provided in the facility.
Leica Confocal SP5 Application Notes
Please find a list of specific applications available with our confocal system in the following text. We can help you adjust your parameters: contact PCIC.
How to (choose from the following links) . . .
- Limit the crosstalk between your fluorophores
- Zoom in the live window and other usefull live tools
- Draw a region of interest
- Scan only a region of interest
- Perform a lamda scan
- Perform a sequential scan
- Enhance very weak signals
- Compensate for the loss of intensity along the z axis during an XYZ stack
- Export data and reports
- Perform a time-lapse experiment
- Use the FRET SE or FRET photobleaching wizards. If you never performed FRET, please contact PCIC.