
Intern Anniversary Series: Stephen Bolus

by | Jun 1, 2016

Stephen Bolus PGRP internStephen Bolus
2011 intern in the lab of Daniel Klessig

Now: Bolus is pursuing his Ph.D. in plant pathology at University of California, Davis.

Who was your mentor and how did the person shape your experience at BTI?

As a 2011 summer intern at BTI, I worked in Dr. Daniel Klessig’s lab under the guidance of Drs. Hong-Gu Kang and Hyong Woo Choi. We were working to characterize CRT1-Interacting Protein 10, a bZIP transcription activator with a potential role in plant immunity. My experience at BTI helped confirm my research interests in molecular plant-microbe interactions, and I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in plant pathology at University of California, Davis.

What are your future aspirations?

I aspire to lead a research group in the biotechnology industry.

Would you recommend this experience to others and why?

I would highly recommend BTI’s PGRP Internship. My experience at BTI enriched my life  – both professionally and personally.

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