It’s been an exciting week here at BTI! On Tuesday, with the help of volunteers, we planted 120 Physalis seeds to kick off the growing season for the first year of this project. The plants grown from these seeds will be distributed to citizen scientist volunteers who will record their observations as they grow their plants. Additionally, some plants will be distributed to local public gardens where they will be on display for the general public.
We planted the seeds in small 4-pack pots using a potting soil designed for plant propagation. Each seed was planted in a 1/4 inch indentation into the soil and then loosely covered back up. Germination time for these seeds can be expected to be about two weeks. Once planted, the seeds are transferred to a growth chamber where they will remain until they germinate and grow big enough to be transplanted. Before we know it, they will be ready to be distributed to our volunteers!
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