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  • Coralie Salesse-Smith and David Stern are smiling in a greenhouse full of corn plants. Salesse-Smith is reaching out and touching a plant with both hands while Stern watches.

Latest News

Reflections on Vladimir “Vlado” Macko (1930 – 2022)

We at BTI were sad to hear of the passing of Dr. Vladimir “Vlado” Macko, a plant biochemist who spent nearly 30 years conducting research at BTI. After joining BTI to work on rust fungi in December 1969, Macko and his colleagues discovered the chemical nature of...

Closeup black and white photo of Vlado Macko from 1993.

PlantGENE to catalyze plant biotechnology improvement

As the global population booms and climate change continues, improving crops to produce more food, use less resources like water and pesticides, and survive harsher environments will be needed to feed the planet sustainably. For example, fungal diseases are...

A group photo of, from left to right, Heidi Kaeppler, Bill Gordon-Kamm, Wayne Parrott, Veena Veena, Joyce Van Eck and Keunsub Lee. They are standing outside in front of a green bush.

Worms as a model for personalized medicine

Tailoring a person’s diet or medicine based on their genomes has been a goal of the medical community for decades, but the strategy has not been widely successful because people metabolize chemicals differently. A drug may work differently for two patients because...

A closeup photo of Frank Schroeder next to a microscope.

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