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Latest News

Magdalena Julkowska Joins BTI as Newest Faculty Member

Boyce Thompson Institute is excited to welcome Magdalena Julkowska to Ithaca, where she becomes our newest Assistant Professor. Magda’s main research focus is how environmental stress affects plant development and architecture, and she also plans to build an...

A medium closeup picture of Magda Julkowska holding a small plant in her left hand. The plant's roots are still in a clump of dirt in a way so that you can see the natural root architecture.

Summer Intern Blog Weeks 3 & 4: Demystifying Grad School

For a long time, I’ve avoided thinking about grad school. It’s not too hard to do at my small, undergrad-only college. During my first few years, it simply didn’t seem relevant. I was focused on athletics, classwork, and research. Graduate studies seemed like a...

A full photo of BTI summer intern Emily Humphreys sitting on a rocky outrcop in Shenandoah National Park. The sky is blue with a few puffy clouds, and there are mountains in the distance.

BTI Awarded Numerous Grants

While the past few months have disrupted all sense of normalcy, BTI researchers and staff have remained productive while working from home, or as parts of skeleton crews within the building. As the Institute uses a phased approach to slowly reopen our facilities, a...

The front of Boyce Thompson Institute.

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533 Tower Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14853

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