Cilia receives Presidential Early Career Award
Michelle Cilia has been selected to receive a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), which recognizes outstanding, government-funded scientists who show great potential for becoming leaders in their field and for expanding the frontiers of scientific knowledge.
Jujube genome study sheds light on fruit tree’s domestication
The genome will serve as a resource for jujube breeders working on improved cultivars, as well as for researchers working on other fruit trees, such as apples.
Lindsay awarded USDA/NIFA pre-doctoral fellowship
Penelope Lindsay, a Cornell University graduate student in Plant Biology in the lab of BTI Professor Maria Harrison, has been awarded a 2-year fellowship from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Why the whitefly is such a formidable threat to food security
Researchers in the Fei lab have sequenced the genome of the whitefly, an invasive insect responsible for spreading plant viruses worldwide, causing billions of dollars in crop losses each year.
Q&A with board member Susan Brown
BTI board member and Director of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Cornell University, Susan Brown, shares her wisdom on all things related to apples.
Tanzania to improve cassava in Africa with NextGen Cassava project
The NextGen Cassava project, a global partnership led by Cornell University that includes BTI Associate Professor Lukas Meuller, will now include cassava breeders from Tanzania.
Genetic changes in tomatoes may help crops produce early and often
Cultivating a disregard for day length enabled humans to introduce tomatoes to the Mediterranean region.
PGS discusses careers in science policy with Lewis-Burke
Science policy work is just one of the ways that Ph.D.s can use their training and passion for science to benefit the public.
GOBii releases open-source tools for faster plant breeding
The collaboration works with breeding centers around the world to develop tools to make the process of adding a trait into an existing, high-yield crop variety more efficient.
VirusDetect: a new pipeline for virus identification
The Fei lab releases VirusDetect, an automated bioinformatics pipeline that efficiently detects viruses and viroids from large-scale, small RNA datasets.