The Alliance for Science, a global communications initiative led by BTI Professor Sarah Evanega, received a $189,794 grant from the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) to better inform the public about how research using gene editing tools can...
Boyce Thompson Institute is pleased to welcome Professor Sarah Evanega as the newest addition to our faculty. Sarah is a science communicator whose research and outreach efforts focus on the nexus of plant science and society, and strive to ensure that plant science...
BTI adjunct faculty member Sarah Evanega has been awarded the coveted Borlaug CAST Communication Award. Evanega is the founding director of the Cornell Alliance for Science, a global communications effort that promotes evidence-informed decision-making across a range...
The Alliance for Science converged on the United Nations Nov. 17 to launch a global conversation about ending world hunger. As the Manhattan skyline twinkled in the background, the Alliance’s 25 newly graduated global leadership fellows mingled with diplomats,...