Know when to hold ‘em: Folate Biofortification via Stabilization and Storage
Folates are B-vitamins essential for creating energy-rich molecules like ATP, and for regulating genetic repair and expression. Because humans do not produce folate, maintaining a folate-rich diet is crucial, especially for women of childbearing age, because deficiency can lead to devastating neural tube defects in developing fetuses. Other afflictions include megaloblastic anemia and several cancers. Folate deficiency is seen across the world, and although many countries supplement their cereals with the synthetic folate derivative folic acid, developing countries where folate deficiency is common often don’t have these resources. Not only that, folic acid has shortcomings even in developed countries, not the least of which is the potential carcinogenicity risk of high folic acid intake. There is growing research on biofortifying plants to provide a higher supply of natural folates, but progress has been slow, in part because folates are highly unstable and prone to degradation. Even if more folates are produced in the plant, they may not remain until consumption. Therefore, the aim of this work is to understand the role of Folate Binding Protein on folate stabilization through in planta and in vitro methods, to support the creation of tomato plants with more bioavailable folates.
I am delighted to be a part of the 2024 BTI REU cohort! Being surrounded by amazing plant science this summer has been even more wonderful than I expected, and opened exciting new doors for me in every part of my science journey. Particularly fascinating was the chance to work in a USDA lab and get a feel for what governmental research is like, but learning how to use LC-MS, engaging in science communication with ScienceIRL, and visiting the CHESS labs were also formative experiences for me. I’m deeply grateful to my mentor John Ramsey, and also to my PIs Jim Giovannoni and Ted Thannhauser. All opened their doors to me, made me feel welcomed, and went above and beyond to help me reach my professional goals. Now that I am entering my final year in my undergraduate degree, I am looking forward to beginning my PhD and fellowship grant applications, and I am so appreciative to have an amazing set of experiences and such a bright community to guide me.