Now hiring: collaborative faculty team at BTI
The Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) is hiring for novel faculty team positions at the Assistant Professor level.
We invite applications from teams of 2 to 3 individuals seeking to conduct an interdisciplinary project(s). These team positions will focus on collaboration and strategic contributions to project with colleagues.
While the research goals of the team project should be within the field of plant science, involvement of non-traditional disciplines is encouraged.
Some of the key thinking that went into developing the positions arose out of scenario planning and workshops conducted by the Plant Science Research Network (PSRN). BTI is being responsive to the bold and thoughtful input from the participants, which excited and stimulated our faculty to move forward in this way.
For those who are interested, but have not yet conceived a team, join the BTI Team Forum to exchange research ideas, platforms and expertise. Please check out this unique opportunity by viewing the job position here. Please feel free to apply or share! Review of applications will begin on April 23, 2018.
Please send any inquiries to We will be happy to arrange phone calls to discuss these unique positions.