
Symposium to showcase research, celebrate opening of BTI Computational Biology Center

by | May 1, 2018

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The Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) will host an inaugural symposium for the Institute’s new Computational Biology Center (BCBC). The free symposium will take place in the BTI auditorium Tuesday, May 8, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required

As biology continues to develop as a data-rich discipline, computational approaches are becoming increasingly used by plant scientists. However, software platforms and bioinformatics resources are often developed for animal genomes. Recognizing as a growing need, faculty and staff at BTI have worked to develop the BCBC as a research center to fill this gap.

Mueller lab meeting

BTI bioinformaticians (Mueller Lab) hard at work.

“The BCBC is special because it not only explores the diversity of plants, but also the organisms that interact with them,” said Susan Strickler, BCBC director. “We can then apply this knowledge to problems related to agriculture and the environment, as well as human health. In addition, this work also promotes collaboration between bioinformaticians and biologists, for whom the center also provides consulting and training to develop their computational skills.”

Scientists at the BCBC will address current needs in computational research, continue to build upon the institute’s bioinformatics strengths, and promote synergistic interactions amongst groups at BTI and Cornell. The center will be based at BTI, but will interface with members of the Cornell community and beyond.

In celebration of the center’s opening, the symposium will introduce participants to a wide variety of disciplines in computational biology. Presenters will include representatives from Cornell, the European Bioinformatics Institute, New York University and the University of California, Davis. The symposium will be live-streamed for those unable to attend in person. 

Presenters and topics will include:


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