Scientific Advisory Board
Membership on the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is open to Directors and distinguished scientists external to the Board who are familiar with the areas of research in which the institute engages. The SAB conducts an annual overview of the institute’s research programs.
Lisa Ainsworth, Ph.D.
Research Leader, Global Change and Photosynthesis Unit, USDA ARS
Urbana, IL
Paul Chomet, Ph.D.
Chomet Consulting LLC Groton, CT
Arthur Grossman, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist, Department of Plant Biology
Carnegie Institution for Science
Courtesy Professor, Department of Biology
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Stacy Kimmel, Ph.D
Founder & CEO
Bethlehem, PA
Scott A Jackson, Ph.D.
Lead, Genetic Pipeline Design, Bayer Crop Science, Chesterfield, MO
Adjunct Professor, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Sally Rockey, Ph.D
Chief Executive Officer
Rockey Consulting
Washington, DC
Elizabeth Sattely, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and HHMI Investigator Fellow
Stanford ChEM-H Institute
Stanford, CA