Fay-Wei Li 李飛葦
Associate Professor
Office/Lab: 121
Email: fl329@cornell.edu
Office Phone: 607-254-1244
Research Overview: We are broadly interested in the evolutionary processes at the gene, genome, and microbiome levels that shaped the plant diversity. At the gene level, we study the molecular evolution of photoreceptors and examine how that influences plant diversification. At the genome level, we generate and analyze fern genomes to investigate genome evolution across the major transitions in land plant evolution. At the microbiome level, we focus on the multiple origins of plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis and aim to elucidate the genetic mechanisms governing these interactions. Check out my lab website for details.
Website: http://www.fernway.net
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7rl7ZLwAAAAJ&hl=en