
National Association of Biology Teachers Professional Development Conference

Sep 13, 2016

In collaboration with CDP 2015 Alumna Tom Freeman, BTI will present the Algae to Energy: Optimizing Systems workshop at the 2016 NABT Professional Development Conference.

This workshop will be held at the Denver Sheraton Downtown – Plaza Court 6 from 9:0010:15 AM on Saturday, November 5.

Workshop Description:

The planet is in urgent need of a new source of liquid transportation fuel to meet energy demands, which are growing faster than researchers can develop renewable technologies!

Scientists are looking at algae as an efficient, renewable source of fuel. Some algae can accumulate up to 75 percent of their bodyweight as oil and others can double their size in a matter of hours. Some algae can be grown in saltwater, while others can thrive in municipal wastewater. Still, challenges remain for optimizing systems for growth, harvest, and conversion to biofuel and other valuable bioproducts.

In this workshop, teachers will learn about the potential for using algae as a source of biofuel, and how a classroom lab activity to engineer growth systems can be used to teach about renewable energy, genetic engineering, photosynthesis, experiment design, and more.

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