
Wading into discovery: BTI’s 2017 PGRP Interns

by | Jun 6, 2017

All smiles from BTI’s 2017 undergraduate intern class! This year’s students come from diverse backgrounds in the U.S. and abroad.

Motivated, curious, and eager to discover, BTI’s 2017 Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) interns are ready to dive into a 2+ month transformative experience that will prepare them for their future career.

For 10 weeks (7 for high school interns), undergraduate and high school students will immerse themselves in plant genomics and bioinformatics while developing  fundamental skills needed to conduct research from start to finish. Interns will also present their findings at BTI’s annual Student Research Symposium (August 10th). and will have the opportunity to peer-review the work of their fellow interns.

Most importantly, interns will build confidence, make connections, and discover new opportunities. Along the way, students are matched with labs and mentors that meet their interests, allowing them to connect with leaders in their field and develop a support system at BTI and beyond.

BTI would like to than the following individuals and organizations for their generous support of this year’s internship program: the Ithaca Garden Club, the J.M. McDonald Foundation, Robert and Roberta Kohut, the Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County, the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program, Rheonix Inc., and Carolyn W. Sampson.

Stay tuned for updates on their experiences over the next two months!

Interns: Who They Are

BTI is proud to welcome the following undergraduate and high school student interns:


First Name University Major Lab
Brittany Apuzza SUNY Cortland Biology Jander
Lily Bennett Haverford College Undecided Heck
Stephanie Brocke Michigan State University Biochemistry Roeder
Carla Dizon University of Guam Biology Pawlowski
Natalie Gonzalez University of California, Santa Cruz Plant Sciences Stern
Lauren Hamm Rhodes College Biology Bentolila
Sophia Hu University of Maryland, Baltimore County Bioinformatics Fei
Sire Kassama University of Central Florida Industrial Biotechnology Van Wijk
Peter Kohler Liberty University Mathematics Fei
Patrick Mendoza Iowa State University Horticulture Scanlon
Michael Miller University of Nebraska-Lincoln Plant Sciences Gore
Arianna Nimocks Vanderbilt University Biology Jander
Eleanore Ritter Skidmore College Biology Rose
Zackry  Stevenson Doane University Biology Bogdanove
Kaitlin Stromberg Carroll College Biology Giovannoni
Michaela Vachev Eckerd College Molecular Biology Martin
Alexandra White California State University, Long Beach Biochemistry Giovannoni
Brandon Williams SUNY Cortland Biology Harrison
Anna Yaschenko University of Maryland, Baltimore County Computer Science Mueller
Kyndra Zacherl Gannon University Bioinformatics Mueller
Jordan Zonner Iowa State University Biology Bogdanove

High School Students

Martin Alani, Ithaca High School (Lab: Jander), Valerie Chen, Ithaca High School, Asha Duhan, Ithaca High School (Lab: Mueller), Alexander Ivanov, Thomas S. Wootton High School (Lab: Mueller), Leo Song, Ithaca High School (Lab: Stern), Caroline Taylor, (Lab: Stern), Lucy Wang, Ithaca High School (Lab: Jander)

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