Investigating the Role of CAT in BAP1 Mediated Immune Response
In Arabidopsis thaliana, the BAP (BON1 association protein) family of proteins are important for plant growth. The loss of BAP1 leads to growth reduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. The BAP1 protein is expressed more when plants are under temperature stress. When faced with temperature stress, plants produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are harmful. Plants have thus developed protection strategies like producing catalase (CAT). We hypothesized that Arabidopsis BAP1 aids in plant protection by regulating CAT. Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in overexpression CAT2 (OE-CAT2) and overexpression CAT2/bap1 (OE-CAT2/bap1) plants were used to observe protein localization. Relative gene expression was analyzed using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). 3,3’-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining was performed to assess ROS accumulation. Pathogenicity studies were conducted with Pseudomonas syringae to assess differences in immunity response. Understanding how protein interactions play a role in plant temperature response and immunity allows interpretation of how plants are responding to environmental changes.
My time in the Boyce Thompson Institute and Cornell University Research Experience for Undergraduates has allowed me to explore a new field of research and a new environment. Having exposure to new technology and new ideas has guided me closer to the future I see for myself. This research experience has allowed me to solidify my choice of wanting a career in plant biology research. I am grateful for opportunities like this REU to not only further my education, but to represent community college graduates who are often overlooked. I highly recommend experiences like this one to anyone interested in research, as it has helped me improve academically and professionally. My time researching in the Hua lab this summer has fostered my determination to become a researcher.