Comparing the daily dynamics of stomatal features between slac1 with mutant allele and slac1 wild-type across different genetic backgrounds
Climate change leads to increased drought events that challenge food security. Substantial research efforts are needed to find new genetic resources to improve drought tolerance to maintain crop productivity. The slac1 gene, which regulates stomatal aperture in response to environmental stimuli, presents a valuable target for increasing water use efficiency (WUE) by controlling stomatal conductance (gsw). Last year, a study with a population of 8 genetic backgrounds, each consisting of one slac1/slac1 (wild type) and one slac1/slac1-mu (mutant) hybrid totaling 16 hybrids, showed that slac1 can change the gsw daily dynamics. Using this population, this study aims to examine the effect of slac1 on stomatal features and their daily dynamics. We collected leaf stomatal imprints in the field across a 12 hour period in vegetative stages V6 and V9. Pore width, length, area, and density were manually measured to create a data set of stomatal features daily dynamics. slac1 was found to significantly alter pore area for three different genetic backgrounds across different time points in the day (P<0.1). Additionally, slac1 significantly altered pore width in 5 genetic backgrounds (P<0.1). Most of the significant differences between slac1/slac1 and slac1/slac1-mu for a given genetic background were found between 6-8 pm with high relative humidity, which potentially can increase WUE. Since the correlation of pore area was found the highest (r=0.3) among the stomatal anatomy traits, we fitted a Gaussian model for the daily pore area for each hybrid. Hybrids showed moderate fitting values (R2= 0.47) although no significant differences between the slac1/slac1 and slac1/slac1-mu Gaussian curve parameters were found. Future research could expand to include a broader range of genetic backgrounds, and take measurements in the crucial phenological stages of anthesis and grain filling.
Throughout this experience, I feel I have gained more skills working in the Gore Lab than I ever thought I could in two months. One of the primary techniques to research I am grateful for learning this summer is bioinformatics. My project had a large computational aspect to it, which challenged me in the best way to learn and apply coding techniques to data analysis and visualization. This also paired well with the weekly bioinformatics classes where I could learn the basics of using programs such as Linux and R in biological research. This internship also provided me with my first experience working with a mentor, whom I have had a fantastic relationship with. My mentor, Harel Bacher, gave me guidance and direction when needed throughout the research process, but also stood as someone who challenged me to learn new methods of phenotyping, both in the field and in the lab.