Root System Development, Architecture, and Traits in Maize
As the demand for crops along with the frequency and duration of droughts is predicted to increase, it is essential to develop crops with improved water uptake efficiency. In order to understand how maize, a globally important crop, copes with limited water availability, more work is needed in profiling the root phenome. This project characterizes root system development, architecture, and traits in 28 diverse maize genotypes under sufficiently-watered conditions. In this study, maize was grown until four leaves fully developed (V4 growth stage) in thin, acrylic boxes, which allowed for continuous visualization of root growth via high-resolution flat-bed scans. Images were then analyzed with RhizoVision, an open-source image analysis software designed for measuring various features of roots. This generated data including root growth rate, spatial occupation, diameter, and length. Below and above-ground biomass was collected upon harvest for fresh and dry weight. Preliminary results of maize grown in well-watered conditions reveal a range of root phenotypes and growth across genotypes. The results are limited by variable water contents of boxes, incomplete replication for all genotypes, and the compressed 2D view created by the acrylic boxes potentially skewing ‘natural’ root growth. Next, this procedure will be repeated under drought conditions in order to distinguish genotypic differences in belowground drought adaptation. The characterization of maize root morphology, architecture, and growth dynamics in current and forecasted water-limited climates will inform target traits for crop improvement.
I came to Ithaca with very little knowledge about plant science. Through weekly seminars, discussions with fellow interns, computational biology classes, and various lab experiences, I have been able to explore the many different facets of plant science research. I learned many skills that are useful in any type of research, such as randomized block design and batch processing. Additionally, this experience has helped me reflect on future careers. I discovered that I prefer benchwork over working in the greenhouse, and hope to explore research careers centered around benchwork. I have also enjoyed getting to know other members of my cohort and exploring Ithaca. I am so grateful to BTI and the Bauerle lab for this incredible experience.